Monday, October 5, 2009

From Lighthouses to Amish Country

This is Little Sable Lighthouse. We have been to this one before in 2004. Everything is pretty much closed down here for the season. When we were here before we took a dune buggy ride, and you can't imagine how big the dunes are. You would think you was in the desert.

Whitehall Lighthouse
Some of the trees are turning bright red. USS Silversides Submarine. On patrol from 1942-1945 and then years after with Post war service from 1945-1969 NOAA Weather Station with Muskegon Lighthouse in the background. The weather station use to be the Coast Guard House, which is now behind it. Muskegon Lighthouse (Click on the pic and you can see the big ship in the background) Even the Amish horse drawn buggies have to have license plates now, which they didn't 2 years ago. This was a mother & son we were following on the way to the Cheese Factory, which as you can see by the sign, we still got to go to, even though there was a detour. This was at a chiropractor's office. There were several buggies here, so not sure what was up with that. Guess they get their bones out of whack too. The guy on the bike was chatting with the one driving the buggy.

This is an Amish home with a "Dawdi Haus" built onto the side of the main house. A Dawdi Haus is where the oldest child, when married, moves into the main house and the parents move into the Dawdi Haus for the children to take care of them. Large Amish work horses, I think they are called Percherons Amish Farm House & barn

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The amazing Nolen just amazed me again. He was looking at your pictures and said you have been to that light house before. I asked him how he knew that he would have been a year old. He said you have a statue of that light house and that's how he knows...He doesn't forget anything!