Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas morning

Christmas morning we go to my mom and dad's for the annual yummy Christmas breakfast. Always delicious, ham, bacon, eggs, biscuits, gravy, hashbrowns and fruit. Cracker Barrel doesn't have anything on mom. It was very different this year without Jeremy being there. For years it has been Buddy's tradition to throw Jeremy a biscuit across the table to him. I'll never forget the first year Buddy did that. I would have given a million bucks for the look on Cande's face. I know it was a hard Christmas for Barry and Cande with him not being here this time of year. They did get a phone call from him Christmas morning. But I don't think that helped much, because he was having a rough time the first few weeks. They have since received a letter from him and he is getting use to things. It is still going to be tough on him, but he is a strong young man and will persevere. We miss you Jeremy. After breakfast, presents are opened. Once again I'm so thankful to still have my family all living close by.
Little people's table Far left John, Nolen, Jamie, Kristin, Mitchell & Trevor
Counter clock-wise Danielle, Jonathan, Craig, Jacob & Dad, Barry (can't see) Cande, and Buddy Clockwise starting upper left Buddy, Cande, Barry, my Dad, Craig, Jonathan & Danielle Once again pics of the boys together are nearly impossible
Mitchell giving Uncle Barry a kiss for his present Mitchell showing Trevor how his toy works Papaw helping Nolen with his monster truck Trevor practicing his olympic jumps. He was jumping off of the chair behind him. When he would land he would throw his arms up in the air. Mitchell showing us his monster truck Uncle Barry and Aunt Cande got him
Danielle and Mitchell looking at family album
Grandmother and PawPaw showing Nolen the book of family pics that Jamie made Our little Diva
Mom showing off her new coat PawPaw got her Mitchell running down the hill in his PJ's and mud boots

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