Thursday, January 7, 2010

You Call This Snow!!!!!!

As most of you know my first 10 years were growing up in Virginia. I was talking to Debbie (my best friend since we were 18 months old, you can do the math) and we were saying how we used to have to walk to the end of the road in snow that was a foot deep. Back then we couldn't wear pants to school, unless we wore them under our dresses. We would walk in the tracks that a car had made so we could get through. This is the honest truth. She said it isn't like that anymore. They do call schools off but not like here in TN. Hopefully we will get another good snow in TN, where we can at least sleigh ride down my hill. We have been in our house almost 17 years, and we haven't had a good snow since the first year we moved in. Most of the snows we have had since then melt before you can get a good day of sledding in.
This was our sorry excuse for a snow.
This is a Virginia snow. They have had snow since the week before Christmas and it is still snowing. This is a snow worth calling school out for. This woodpecker had a tough time getting in this bird feeder, but as you can see he has a seed in his mouth. Cardinals were everywhere today.


Nancy said...

Come back home! It's too cold to sleigh ride!

Craftysis7 said...

The picture of the cardinal looks like a post card pic. Thanks for posting all the Christmas pics, they are good!!