Sunday, March 4, 2012

I miss you Dad.

    It has only been a week and I miss dad so much. The first few days are hard, but you are kind of numb I guess. After all the arrangements are done and things settle down is when it really sinks in. I just keep thinking of all the firsts that will be coming up. The first Friday night with the family eating at my house and dad not sitting at the head of the table. He always left saying "I ate too much"  Going to mom's and not seeing him sitting on the porch or in the sunroom reading. The first Braves game and him and mom not sitting together watching it. All the birthday and holiday celebrations. Not seeing him coming in church with mom and greeting everyone with that great big smile on his face. More things than I can even name, but I know throughout the year and years to come will be hard at certain times.
    I know there will be good days and hard days to come, but I just try to keep reminding myself what a wonderfully, blessed life I have had because of him. I am so lucky to have had a godly man in my life to help guide and lead me throughout my life. Like I heard so many times last weekend, I just want to be half the person he was. It was so comforting to hear all the kind words about him and what he has done for others. I guess I just really didn't get it until later that all dads aren't like him. It was all I knew growing up and even later in life.
   I am going to remind my grandkids every time I see them what a wonderful great-grandfather they had. I hope they never forget him. He loved those kids so much. His face would light up when he knew one of them was coming by.
   Mom is such a strong lady and I know she will be fine, but she is going to be needing extra support from all the family members to help her through certain times. I am so glad that our whole family lives so close by that we can be there for each other through these tough times.


JessicaBates said...

Aunt Becky, these are such wonderful memories of Mr. Kidd. My heart is full of love for you, Buddy, Kristin, Craig, and all the grandkids. Thank you for sharing, and I'm praying for much love, comfort, and peace to be with you and the whole family.

jenny said...

Becky you were so lucky that your Mom picked someone like Ralph to be the Daddy of her children. He was a great man, one that we admired so very much. We miss his smiling face.