Sunday, August 21, 2016

I Miss You Dad

I miss this man so much. This was taken on his 85th birthday. He passed away a short year and half later. He loved coming up to our house and eating every week, just to be around the grandkids. Especially loved this time of year when he could set outside and watch them swim. He would have been 91 on his birthday (August 26) I love you dad and miss you so much and especially when I see all the things the grandkids do and knowing how much you cherished your time with them.


Unknown said...

I loved your dad as well. He was such a joy to see him at church, smiling and loving God. What a strong witness of Christ. He was always helping anyone, any where. He came to my house and "custom" shaped and built my game room door, out of an old bank door with bars; a long story here!. I'm not sure he ever knew my name was ROYCE and NOT "Ross." How I'd love to hear him say: Ross?..again!

Unknown said...

I loved your dad as well. He was such a joy to see him at church, smiling and loving God. What a strong witness of Christ. He was always helping anyone, any where. He came to my house and "custom" shaped and built my game room door, out of an old bank door with bars; a long story here!. I'm not sure he ever knew my name was ROYCE and NOT "Ross." How I'd love to hear him say: Ross?..again!