Monday, July 6, 2009

Camping Week of the 4th

This is part of the lake where we camp.
Sunday afternoon we left to go camping. Buddy left earlier to get set up. It was extremely hot, and I was kind of dreading going. This was Mitchell first trip to get to go by himself with us. After he woke up from his nap we took off. First he had to take a ride on his bike and we headed to the playground. Then it was off to the lake to swim. Buddy had to go back to work so Monday me & Mitchell made several bike riding trips to the playground and feeding the fish. Sorry this is so long, but it is hard to shorten a weeks worth of fun & camping. And we had perfect weather all week. Cooled off and was very comfortable.
Coming down the slide
Popcorn for the fish. Big hungry fish. I think Mitchell ate more popcorn than the fish got. Water gun fight. Monday night Papaw came back up to spend the night. Him and Mitchell had fun at the lake and playground.
Another trip to the playground Trying to kick Papaw while he was pushing him. Lexie had to get in on the act, too. Throwing sand. Papaw chasing Mitchell. He kept saying "I've got my running pants on" I didn't know where he got that from until I was watching the Looney tunes DVD with him and Bugs Bunny said it.

Doing donuts in the water.
One of Papaw's favorite things to do. Hold the boys while they are going to sleep. Tuesday morning Kristin came up early to spend the day. John joined us later after he finished mowing. They played in the water and went to the playground. John had a game that night so had to leave early. Kristin and Mitchell stayed until it was close to his bedtime, but she said he talked all the way home.

Mitchell & his mommy feeding the fish again.
Mitchell and his daddy or as he calls him (Mr. John)
Playground again. Thursday evening Pastor Andrew and his family came up to ride the jet skis and have the weekly Thursday night dinner with us, since our kids weren't there. We had burgers, fried potatoes (fixed by Royal Ranger Caleb) corn-on-cob, and some grilled veggies. Had a great time visiting with them.

Seth dropping Caleb off.

Gracie & Andrew riding the jet ski. She loved it.

Caleb & Aaron
Check out Seth's windblown look.
Friday morning Kristin, John, & Mitchell came back up. They played in the water mostly. He really liked the beach. Had lunch, and while Mitchell and Papaw was napping Me, John, & Kristin went Geo-caching (NO LUCK) My Iphone wouldn't pick it up. Then they played some more and I fixed their dinner. We had a fun day.

This was my little squirrel friend that hung around all week.
Watering the trees. Check out that tan. Ready to go ride. C Ya!!!!

Coming in. Shooting water at a friend he met.

Two gun shooter This is an overlook where you can see the lake we camp at. Me, Kristin, & John were looking for a Geo-cache but did not succeed.

Cordell Hull Dam This was a stray that wandered up to our campsite Saturday night. We fed him and let him sleep in the camper since it looked like it was going to storm. We let him go Sunday before we left. Hope he finds a good home.


Kristin said...

Thanks for letting us come up and visit and thanks for feeding us! We all had a great time!

Craftysis7 said...

Wow, did you get a new camera, those pictures are really good. Looks like you had a great week!! Lucky Mitchell!

JessicaBates said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun camping. Sadly, I won't be able to come to Mitchell's party, but I will definitely see him when I'm in town. The pics of him are so cute; he looks like such a little man! About the website, I was thinking your baby blankets would be a perfect selling item on Etsy. Hopefully when I'm in town I can show you a little about the site and how it works :) See you soon! Love you.

The Bates Girls! said...

How sweet! I know you guys had lots of fun. Me, Chelsea and Mags need to come one time with the jet skis. Maggie would love that! Love the pics of Mitchell watering the trees! Happy Birthday We love you!