Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homeward Bound :(

 Today we discovered a whole new part of Florida that I'm sure a lot of people don't know about. St. George Island. Beautiful nice quiet beach area.

 The lighthouse was about to fall here in 2005 and the residents wanted to make sure that it was preserved so after it......
 fell into the ocean, the locals all went out and found all the bricks and it was rebuilt closer inland.
 View from top
 These are not original steps to a lighthouse, (since we have climbed quite a few) but they said each step was hand made to fit. Plus, they were much easier to climb than the older ones we have been to.

 Buddy said that someday, he would like to have this little spot on the ocean.

 Tonight we are at Panama City, and just let me tell you, I am much happier at the quiet small beach areas. 

 Nice rain storm coming our way.

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