Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Me and Lexie Camping

This was a pic I took Monday morning. Just thought it was a good pic of the fog lifting. To really appreciate it double click on it and it will be enlarged. I know it don't look like it but that is the lake and fishermen getting ready to fish.
I know this is blurry but it was at 5:30 in the morning and i could hardly see it myself, and just grabbed my camera and didn't know what setting it was on,but it was a pretty good size doe in my backyard here at the campground.
Tiny Sailboat going by (sorry had the camera on the wrong setting)
Just showing you what a beautiful day it was
This is the view from inside my camper looking toward the back. The leaves on the right of the tree are a bit confused.
Pic from my front door
Duck watching the sun go down
My camping Buddy (Ms. Lexie)
Waves along shoreline
End of a great day

Buddy had to go back to work Monday, so it has just been me and Lexie. We have walked and walked. I think she is pretty tuckered out. I don't always make her walk with me especially when I'm on my power walks. The rest of the time I read and crochet. This morning the Space Station flew over at 6:30 just barely getting daylight but you could see it good. Lasted 6 minutes. Just can't get tired of this kind of life. I guess I must have some gypsy in me somewhere. The weather has been great, I think tomorrow is suppose to be nice too, maybe rain on Friday. That will be a good housekeeping day and Walmart run. I have had some really nice neighbors while I've been up here this week. I enjoyed our talks and Gail showed me her jewelry and scrapebooking she is working on.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Ok, so just sell your house and by a lot on the lake. You and dad can live in your camper and we'll build houses! Then we'll all be happy! HAHA