Thursday, April 9, 2009

Grandson's Rough Week

Wow this has been quite a week. Trevor's birthday party was Saturday. He wasn't feeling his best but he did good. I will post more about him on his actual birthday which is Sunday. Saturday night he got worse and had to go to the doctor on Sunday. Ear infection.
Sunday Mitchell went to his Gram's and Pop's to church. After church they had lots of fun playing. They love to feed the fish in Pops pond. He took a tumble off of their deck onto some rocks and landed on his head. Had to go to to the ER for his first time. He had several cuts and one was deep enough that had to be glued. Monday you would never know anything was wrong. Sunday, Nolen had started running a fever and wheezing really bad and they had to take him to ER at Vanderbilt. His oxygen was very low and heart rate high. He is still there and still not quite sure what is causing it to last this long. The times before he has never had to stay this long. So they are now going to see a specialist and start doing some tests on his lungs. They will do some tests tomorrow and hopefully he can come home. Trevor is fine now, sleeping snug as a bug in our bed. I'm sure he is wondering what is going on. Tomorrow is Kristin's Birthday and I will make a separate post about that and then another on Sunday for Trevor's Birthday.
Trevor getting into his Curious George cupcake Mitchell's owweee On the two spots you see here. The one on the left was the deepest and had to be glued.
Mitchell got into my lotion, while I was on the phone Monday.
Mitchell working on his Easter Eggs
Finished product Okay!!! Whose belly is bigger this week? She is now 4 months
Trevor letting the lady bug crawl around on his hands.
Mitchell and Trevor swinging
Outside play time after dinner. Trevor taking Lexie on a "Poop Walk"
Mitchell's turn.

1 comment:

Craftysis7 said...

Maybe this next week will be better!! I think the bellies are at tie!! haha!! Hope test go ok with Nolen!!

Love ya'll