Friday, June 19, 2009

Week in Review

We had a fun time last night. Dinner was Cracker Chicken, zucchini pie, squash & onions, roasted red potatoes, mac & cheese, tomato salad, cornbread, & Texas toast. Dessert was apple tart w/ice cream. After dinner the kids played around the sand box for awhile and then hit the pool. Mitchell loves the water and will jump off the side and diving board. By the end of the night Nolen had decided that he really could touch the bottom and was walking around the shallow end. Trevor didn't like it at first but by the end he was letting his daddy swing him around on his belly and was kicking his legs. I hope they all learn to swim soon, sure would make me feel better.
We are so sad to see Jeremy have to leave again. Seems like he just got here. He will be leaving on Saturday for Missouri. At least he does get to take his car and will be able to get off of base. He has already searched out some places to fish up there.
It has been terribly hot this week with afternoon storms. Wednesday night me & Buddy sat on the porch and watch a beautiful lightning display that went on for well over an hour.
Just one of many, of my day lilies that my friend Debbie gave me last fall
Green beans Zucchini & yellow squash Jeremy and the boys. This first one is blurry because I had just brought it outside from 70 degrees to 90 degree humidity.
Yippeee!!!!! Nolen can touch and walk around the shallow end this year. Check out Trevor's legs, I'm afraid he got those from Grandma (short & fat) Couldn't get Nolen to look so you take a pic when you can. What is more fun than to splash water in your face.
Mitchell can go anywhere he wants in the pool with this float. This is what you do with zucchini when they get too big. My dad carved it. Mitchell jumping off diving board to his daddy.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The food was oh so yummy and pretty healthy! HAHA