Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall Trip Day 8

First off I want to apoligize for all the pictures I post on my blogs. I do it for my own benefit, kind of a travel journel. But, tonights blog, is mostly for my niece Chelsea that is an animal lover.
We just knew our day was going to be a wash out by heavy rain. When we left, we had a very pretty drive to Ely. It had rained overnight, so Buddy couldn't hug the curves with the Mustang like he would have liked to. As it turned out, it didn't rain on us, until we got almost back to our room.

Our first stop was at the North American Bear Center. There is a live web cam, that I have been watching these bears for 4 yrs or more. There are 3 bears at the center. Ted & Honey were at a families home and they couldn't keep them anymore and gave them to the center. They were very overweight when they got them. They both have lost over 200 lbs since they had taken them in. A normal black bear should weigh around 300 lbs. Honey still weighs 600 lbs and Ted weighs 400 lbs. Lucky was taken from a den as a baby by someone and when he was turned out into the wild didn't know how to take care of himself. He was taken in by the center and he is doing fine and weighs in at what a normal bear should weigh 300 lbs.

Lucky, he came to eat and was out of there.

Honey, she was very shy.

Ted, now he is Mister Personality. He is on a box, which is actually scales whre they weigh them.
Having a snack

Checking out the den. They are almost ready to den for the winter.
Beautiful bear
Okay, Ely, Minn. is my new favorite small town. Just wish it wasn't 1,000 miles from Mt. Juliet.
This is for you Nolen. This is the gas station you have seen on the web cam. I somehow deleted the picture from the street where you see the red light.
This is where we ate lunch. Chili like I have never had. YUMMY!

After lunch we went to the Wolf Center.
When we first got there they were all napping.
They stretched......

It didn't take long to figure out, that this was the boss of the bunch
Making a run out of the den.
Back on top guarding.

After leaving Ely we drove back down the beautiful colorful roads and soon we saw....a sign with the temps at 47 degrees.
We had planned on going to another lighthouse, but it had started raining. We have been to this one before, but would love to see it again. So we decided to head back to our room.
Lake Superior is really kicking it up tonight.
When we got back to our room the waves were crashing over the bank from our room. It is suppose to rain all night. Hopefully, it will let up by the time we have to head back south. Right now, the wind is whistling through the windows, so not sure how much sleep I will get.


JessicaBates said...

This post is great!! I just called Chelsea to see if she'd seen it, but she's cleaning at KA's. I told her to check it as soon as she gets home. :) The bears are so cute! And wolves are really beautiful creatures, aren't they? Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and pictures!!!

Unknown said...

Aunt Becky, thank you so much for putting these up! Jessica called me and I couldn't wait to get home and check it out! Those bears are amazing, they are so huge but look so gentle. I would have loved to have seen them. And Jess is right about the wolves, they are one of the most beautiful animals, really interesting too. It's funny how you can tell who leads the pack. I loved the pictures!
Love you!