Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quick Road Trip

Saturday we had Shelby's birthday party at our house. After everyone left, me & Buddy took off for a spur of the moment Road Trip. We loaded up the Pony (Mustang) and took off. It was such a gorgeous weekend and just couldn't pass it up. Drove to Clarksville and then cut over to Dover and drove up The road that goes through Land Between the Lakes. Being a holiday weekend we weren't real sure we would find anywhere to stay, but found a Comfort Inn real close to the area we were wanting to see. When we take these trips I like to find motorcycle roads, so you are guaranteed nice curvy road. This one took you up to the very western part of KY and along the Ohio river and ended in Marion, KY (Amish Country) Since it was Sunday we didn't see much going on, but it is pretty country up there. After leaving there we ate lunch at a Marina overlooking Lake Barkley. Then we drove around parts of Lake Barkley & Kentucky Lake. Went back to the hotel and sat outside and read the rest of the afternoon. Monday we went back up to Marion to see if we could see anymore Amish. Went to a couple of stores and bought Amish bread, honey, sorghums & peanut butter spread. Drove all around the country and still not much going on so it was time to make our way home. We drove down the eastern side of Lake Barkley cut across and drove to Scottsville, Ky and then home.

Barge going up the Ohio River
Ferry that you take to get into Illinois.
On Lake Barkley there were fast boats

Boats with dogs
and very large boats.
These little shells were everywhere.
Amish buggies
One of the few we saw out driving
These were parked in the garage where we stopped to buy bread.
This horse and buggy were waiting to take off. I do try to respect their privacy as they don't like to have their pictures taken.
You can tell what day it is, because the Amish always do their laundry on Monday.
Look closely, there was a little Amish boy picking the garden.
This lady was just walking down the road.
This is Jefferson Davis Monument between Hopkinsville & Russellville

1 comment:

JessicaBates said...

Great pictures! We used to see so many Amish buggies on the weekends in KY when we'd go to the lake. There are beautiful lakes there. Glad you guys had a good time!